Millennial Revolution

FIRE allows people to choose how they want to spend their time rather than be forced to spend their time at work.

Kristy and her husband Bryce are world-traveling early retirees. They used to live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada, but instead of drowning in debt, they rejected home ownership. What resulted was a 7-figure portfolio, which has allowed them to retire in their 30s and travel the world.

They now spend time helping people with their finances and realizing their travel dreams on, which generates 150,000 monthly views and 30,000 monthly readers..

Their book “Quit Like a Millionaire” was published by Penguin Random House on July 9, 2019.

Their story has been featured in media outlets all over the world, including the New York Times, CBC, CNBC, Women’s Health Magazine Australia, Germany’s Handelsblatt, GQ Russia, and the UK Independent.

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A perfect follow up on the film to dive deeper into the philosophies and "how-tos of the FIRE movement"
Playing the FIRE book image

Reading material

We have assembled the foundational information to get your start on the right foot down the FIRE path to financial independence.

The Role of Frugality in FIRE

Dive into the transformative world of financial independence with a refreshing take on frugality versus being cheap. Embrace the art of living well without living beyond your means, and find out how being frugal, not cheap, can unlock the door to your financial liberation.

Understanding the 4% Rule

Retirement withdrawal strategies are anything but one-size-fits-all. For many FIRE fans, determining how much to withdraw each year requires a balance between ensuring your savings last and meeting your current financial needs.

The Importance of Savings Rate in FIRE

Explore the essential role of savings rate in the FIRE movement for achieving financial independence and early retirement. Learn how to balance frugality, investment strategies, and lifestyle to accelerate your journey towards financial freedom.