Millennial Money
It’s never been easier in history to make enough money to live a life you love.
Grant Sabatier is the Founder of Millennial Money and author of the bestselling book “Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need”.
Dubbed “The Millennial Millionaire” by CNBC, Grant Sabatier went from $2.26 to $1 million in 5 years through entrepreneurship, side hustling and investing. His FI journey started after reading Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez at the age of 24.
After reaching financial independence at the age of 30, Grant Founded, where he writes about making and investing money and co-hosts the Financial Freedom Podcast. Since launching in 2015, Grant has reached over 10 million readers and listeners through his blog and podcast. In 2017 he partnered with Vicki Robin to launch the platform to spread and promote financial independence for all.
Grant has been featured in over 200 international media outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Public Radio, ABC Nightline, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, The Sydney Morning Herald, and many others.
He can be reached at, on Twitter @MillennialMoney or @sabatier, or via email at
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