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    the book

    A perfect follow up on the film to dive deeper into the philosophies and "how-tos of the FIRE movement"
    Playing with FIRE Book Mockup

    the FILM

    A documentary about the FIRE movement and one family's quest to achieve financial independence and retire early.


    Playing with FIRE turns challenges into habits, habits into lifestyles and lifestyles into a better you.
    Playing with FIRE Podcast logo


    Our suite of calculators provide an instant summary of your financial situation to help you position yourself on the path to financial independence.

    Reading material

    We have assembled the foundational information to get your start on the right foot down the FIRE path to financial independence.

    The Role of Frugality in FIRE

    Dive into the transformative world of financial independence with a refreshing take on frugality versus being cheap. Embrace the art of living well without living beyond your means, and find out how being frugal, not cheap, can unlock the door to your financial liberation.

    Understanding the 4% Rule

    Retirement withdrawal strategies are anything but one-size-fits-all. For many FIRE fans, determining how much to withdraw each year requires a balance between ensuring your savings last and meeting your current financial needs.

    The Importance of Savings Rate in FIRE

    Explore the essential role of savings rate in the FIRE movement for achieving financial independence and early retirement. Learn how to balance frugality, investment strategies, and lifestyle to accelerate your journey towards financial freedom.

    PLan withProjection

    Build financial plans you love. Simulate your financial future and chart a course toward your best life with ProjectionLab.

    What’s Next?

    Personal capital logo

    Now that you’ve calculated your time horizon to financial independence, we strongly encourage you to start tracking your money. We believe that Empower is the most comprehensive free financial tool you can find online to manage your finances and track towards your FI date.

    We love the free features Empower offers, including the ability to:

    • Track and manage your income and expenses
    • Track your net worth
    • Analyze your investment portfolios for excessive fees (this is especially important early on in your FI journey)
    • Analyze your investment portfolios for proper asset allocation
    • Run various retirement planning calculations with their amazing retirement calculators

    Our favorite financial management tool is free to use and take less than a minute to sign up. Though you must create Empower login credentials to use them, you don't need to enroll in Empower's advisory service. As you may know, we always try to avoid fees whenever possible. We also strongly recommend fee-only financial advisors, so you know how much you're paying up front and avoid advice with conflicts of interest. By signing up with Empower for free and aggregating all your accounts in one place, you'll be well on your way toward financial independence.