The FIRE is spreading my friends.
ChooseFI is a global community of people pursuing Financial Independence through Investing, Real Estate and Business creation. Jonathan and Brad explore life optimization and FI strategies through their Website, Facebook Group and Podcast.
Brad Barrett is the co-host of the ChooseFI Podcast and he lives in Richmond, VA with his wife and two young daughters. He’s a CPA who left the corporate world in 2015 thanks to 15 years of diligent savings and the passive income he earns from his websites. His FI focus points are: money saving hacks, positive mindset, and living a happier, healthier, more intentional life. He also helps people travel the world with credit card rewards points & miles on his sites and
Jonathan Mendonsa lives in Richmond VA with his wife, son and two dogs. He enjoys travel rewards, coffee, and board games and calls himself a “reluctant frugalist” and not a natural saver. At the age of 28 he started his job as a pharmacist saddled with $168,000 in student loan debt. He devised a plan to pay them off in 4 years and finished this repayment (almost exactly 48 months later!) in 2017. This decision, coupled with his frugal lifestyle, led directly to the freedom to leave pharmacy and pursue ChooseFI full-time.
The ChooseFI podcast started in early 2017 out of Jonathan’s living room in a Richmond, VA suburb. Using the same startup and community-based principles they advocate on the show, the ChooseFI network has grown to: 3+ million downloads, listeners in 169 different countries and 140+ ChooseFI local groups with ‘in real life’ meetups on 5 continents. It has quickly become one of the most highly rated and largest personal finance podcasts in iTunes.
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